Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Post Wedding Blues

The past few months have all lead up to the wedding, and now that its over and done with, I am left with a little feeling akin to that one might feel after spending a week at the beach. But counter-balancing that is a feeling of excitement and elation for the new couple, and tenderness for their new commitment to eachother, one forged before God, family and friends. It's amazing my daughter is married.
I didn't start to cry until my son and I looked at each other during the ceremony, and then the tears started flowing with both of us. My husband gave her away, shakily, and during the toast gave a tear jerking toast, and then she and he danced to the Hawaiian rendition of "Over the Rainbow" which had my sisters bawling. It was beautiful and we are so happy! More later, as I am at work!

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sophie said...
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