Monday, June 2, 2008

My blog name

Beachbum wanna be is exactly what I aspire to become. Besides being a good wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, etc....
I first fell in love with the ocean before I can even remember. But for some reason there is a little niggling in the back of my mind from when I was a toddler and my parents took us to the coast in North Carolina for vacation, when we lived in Virginia. The next beaches I visited were the Pacific coast beaches in California, Oregon and Washington which were beautiful, mysterious and crowded. And a little dangerous, with the strong undertow and agressive, hungry sea life.
Then I got to see more of the Atlantic coast...Maine, Nagshead, KittyHawk, Virginia Beach, Myrtle Beach, Pawley's Island, Charleston, the Outerbanks...and was hooked. The east coastal beaches are regal even when they are inundated with hotdog eating flipflop wearing locals and vacationers. The waters are calm and eddy around you in a welcoming caress; sand dollars & starfish are easily found and either kept to dry or given back to the sea; the sea life is more curious than anything and beautiful to behold. The calm that pervades the eastern coast -especially the southeastern coast-is such that it stayed with me for months after my last visit...and now, my whole being is screaming and yearning and aching for the east coast.
The past year has been a bevy of excitement, disappointment, love, hate, excess, denial...we "became" parents again after 4 years; my son had decided to move back in with us last May after his junior year ended. Thus began our most trying months yet. I learned what NOT to hide and what I should be pushing off on my husband, his step father. And realized he can take a lot more than I thought he could. But that is another story for another day.
Welcome to my world.


Unknown said...

Look at you blogging. So cool. I want to be a beach bum as well and even more now that the hot summer has arrived.

The Hoffmans said...

Well, come be a beach bum at my place. Its great! We are excited for you guys to come see us! Take care!

sophie said...

You have a blog! I didn't realize I already had one and signed up again. We can go to the beach anytime, momma!